Two chair, early scene work, and the parent interview
Delivered by: Deborah Blagden (PTSTA)
Fees: £100 (SPTI Members) £110 (Non-Members)
A one-day workshop Sat 25th October 2025,
Delivered face-to-face in Nottingham City Centre.
Redecision therapy was developed by Robert and Mary Goulding, combining Transactional Analysis with the techniques of Gestalt therapy to provide a powerful means of personal change. Based on the premise that internal and external conflicts could be resolved through 'enactment', the gestalt approach was the first to apply ‘chairwork’ within one-to-one therapy contexts. Goulding and Goulding used this technique in Redecision therapy when working with stuck parts of self to help clients own the different parts of themselves and/or to help clients resolve old conflicts with their significant others in their environment when growing up.
This workshop will offer you an opportunity for intensive personal experience and hands-on learning of ‘two chair work’, the ‘Parent Interview’ and ‘Early Scene Work with the Child’. Knowledge of these concepts is not necessary as they will be taught and explored over the course of the workshop. There will be many opportunities to practice the techniques through large and small group experiential learning.
Deborah Blagden has worked in both private practice and for the children’s charity the NSPCC and the Criminal Justice System for 28 years delivering the community sex offender programme for men and women convicted of sexual offences. This has involved working therapeutically with both perpetrators and non-abusing partners individually and in group settings. Alongside this her role has involved multi agency work in preparing risk assessment reports for the parole board, criminal and family courts. Deborah and is interested in developing theory and practice using Transactional Analysis to work with this client group.
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