More about our CPD training

Our Certificate in Body Psychotherapy runs from March to Autumn 2025 as 6 weekend workshops with Dr David Tune.

David also offers a one weekend introduction 'Working creatively with the body'

Explore working with psychosexual difficulties in this popular one weekend workshop with 

Rosemary Langford-Bellaby.

Explore working therapeutically outdoors with clients and learn about Ecological practice in this one weekend workshop with 

Sarah Devine.

Transactional Analysis:

TA101 Workshops

We offer several opportunties to gain the TA101 Certificate either online or in-person with Deborah Blagden.

This one day workshop will explore working therapeutically with bereavement and loss with experienced therapists Sandip Binning and Lisa Patel.

Two chair, early scene work, and the parent interview. A two-day workshop facilitated by Deborah Blagden
