Current research on men who have committed sexual offences and

its application to Psychotherapy/Counselling

Delivered by: Deborah Blagden

Fees: £200 (SPTI Members) £220 (Non-Members)


A two-day workshop 18th & 19th September 2024, 

Delivered face-to-face in Nottingham City Centre.

About this training:

Sexual Violence is a serious public health and human rights abuse problem. Those that commit such crimes are often demonised and have difficulty accessing therapy – partly as a result of their own shame as well as therapist’s reluctance to work with this client group. Therapy with men who have committed sexual offences can be both highly challenging and anxiety provoking. There is a scarcity of literature written and published on working with this client group from a relational counselling/psychotherapeutic perspective. Likewise, there has been remarkably little in formal theory or training (other than CBT approaches) that addresses either the meanings of deviant sexual behaviour or possible approaches to working with it.

In this workshop I aim to demystify this client group by exploring current research into the aetiology and progression of such behaviours. Using up to date research results we will explore the concept of ‘treatment needs’ which are associated with sexual deviancy and offending and consider how to work with these within a Psychotherapeutic framework. We will reflect on attachment theory research and sexual offending and what the core therapeutic tasks are for the therapist. The overall aim of this workshop is to support treatment planning and build confidence, whilst empowering the practitioner to work effectively. I will use didactic, experiential and interactive methods within the workshop, alongside case study material. Given the potentially emotive subject matter, participants need to be or have access to a therapist. All case study material will be anonymised throughout.


Demystifying the 'Sexual Offender':

Training delivered by: Deborah Blagden (PTSTA)

Deborah Blagden has worked in both private practice and for the children’s charity the NSPCC and the Criminal Justice System for 28 years delivering the community sex offender programme for men and women convicted of sexual offences. This has involved working therapeutically with both perpetrators and non-abusing partners individually and in group settings. Alongside this her role has involved multi agency work in preparing risk assessment reports for the parole board, criminal and family courts. Deborah and is interested in developing theory and practice using Transactional Analysis to work with this client group.

For more information please contact: 
